
Medical Professional Referrals

Information about medical professional referrals at Kolmac

At Kolmac Integrated Behavioral Health Centers, we make referrals from medical professionals are easy and seamless. Our goal is to get patients evaluated and into treatment as soon as possible. Our team also collaborates closely with physicians during every stage of treatment, creating a partnership that focuses on the patient.

What physicians should know about medical professional referrals

Here are three of the most critical facts physicians and other medical personnel should know about making referrals to our treatment program.

  • Kolmac evaluates and admits patients quickly, often within 24 hours. When we receive a medical referral, our team makes every attempt to evaluate and admit the patient within 24 hours. Our clinicians and staff know from experience that time is of the essence. Kolmac offers patients three different evaluation alternatives, including telephone interviews, face-to-face intake and walk-in appointments.
  • Experienced clinicians manage detoxification at Kolmac. Our team knows that those making medical professional referrals want the best care for their patients. Kolmac has the experience and knowledge to safely and comfortably manage detoxification. Patients spend the first business day of detoxification at Kolmac. They receive monitoring every hour and go home in the afternoon with a small supply of medications they can use until they return the next day.
  • Collaboration with our referral partners is a priority for our team. When physicians make referrals, they may be concerned about losing touch with their patients’ progress. At Kolmac, we always work with the referring physician throughout treatment. Medical professionals can expect written reports, phone consultations and updates at every stage of treatment. The physician’s preference determines the frequency of the updates.

Kolmac offers an established, outpatient treatment program

At Kolmac, we understand that physicians have their choice of programs when making referrals, but our program has several strengths that set it apart from other options.

  • Kolmac has treated more than 36,000 patients.
  • Patients enjoy the convenience of our multiple locations and daytime and evening hours.
  • Kolmac’s outpatient model allows patients to continue to work and live with their families during treatment.
  • Our intensive outpatient (IOP) model includes treatment for co-occurring disorders, such as depression, insomnia and anxiety.
  • Our program is more affordable than residential treatment, but it is just as effective.

Physicians and other medical professionals can rely on our measurement-based outpatient treatment program when making medical professional referrals. Our team leads patients through a three-phase model that includes outpatient detoxification, intensive outpatient treatment and continuing care. Patients participate in group therapy and receive comprehensive treatment.

Medical staff who are interested in making referrals to Kolmac should contact us for more information.

Get Help Today!

We welcome the opportunity to help you in your road to recovery. If you’d like to learn more about Kolmac Integrated Behavioral Health Centers, contact us at:

  (888) 331-5251

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