Kolmac is offering in-person services in Columbia, Towson, Washington, DC & Yardley, PA

What Patients and Families Say About Kolmac

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To the 50,000 + Patients We’ve Treated Since 1973: Thank You for Trusting Kolmac with Your Care!

In their own words:

“Kolmac turned my life around.”

“As a Kolmac returnee, I really appreciate the changes that have been made.”

“You offer an excellent program with superior counseling and support.”

“Thank you so much – I appreciate all you guys have done.”

Featured Testimonials From Patients

From Ms. Davis and Mr. Huntington:

“I wanted to express my thanks to Kolmac for its support since January 2023. While I could not be more pleased with everyone at Kolmac, I wanted to address two persons that have been key in my recovery.

Veronica Kwegyir-Afful has been great. She always went the extra mile to coordinate with Hopkins, my neurologist (non-Hopkins), and my wife who is my primary care giver. All have indicated how much they enjoyed working with her. Frankly, her ability to address my depression has been better than what I had received from Hopkins’ these past five years. I have accomplished more so far in 2023 than I accomplished in all of 2021-2022!

Blaine Kuss has been exceptional and THE key to my recovery. I simply cannot imagine a support group without him as the case manager and group leader. His memory during a session and from one session to the next is nothing short of remarkable. He always seemed to know exactly what to say to the group as a whole and to its divergent individuals. I was very apprehensive of dealing with any group environment. By the third meeting, I was completely comfortable with the group environment that Blaine had created and maintained.”

Kolmac Alumni and Alumni Families

Sharing your journey can save someone’s life. Please take a moment to share your experience with Kolmac.

The Kolmac Difference: 50 Years. 50,000 Patients. We Can Help.

Get Help Today!

We welcome the opportunity to help you in your road to recovery. If you’d like to learn more about Kolmac Integrated Behavioral Health Centers, contact us at: