Kolmac is offering in-person services in Columbia, Towson, Washington, DC & Yardley, PA
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Looking Back and Ahead

Thanks to all of you who have read one or more of our posts this year. My goal was to focus on developments in addictions that might be of interest to clinicians. This has been a busy year for cannabis related issues, and my selection of topics has reflected this. The statistical reports that I get indicate that the readership of the Kolmac blog is growing, which is gratifying. A few of you have even taken the time to write comments, and these are particularly welcome.

In 2015, I plan to follow the path that I have started during the past year. The events important to our community, such as the release of the 2014 “Monitoring the Future” statistics and the scientific meetings of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, I definitely plan to review. I will cover other important issues as they emerge and would welcome any suggestions from you for new topics.

Until then, I wish you a Happy New Year and look forward to more dialogue in 2015.


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