
Roc & Doc Video: Court-Ordered Treatment

Court-Ordered: ‘I Don’t Need to be Here!’

Sometimes the courts step in and order people into treatment. So what good can come from a person going into treatment against their personal will or desire? While there may be times when this doesn’t achieve the court’s desired outcome, there are also times when people have life-transforming treatment experiences.

James P writes, “I’m in court-ordered treatment… but I don’t want to be in treatment and I don’t need to be here.”

We want to take James at his word. Yet at the same time, there is some reason that the court feels that treatment is what James needs. So the question becomes, what does James have to lose by embracing the court order? What are the benefits of embracing treatment vs begrudging treatment?

Many positive things come from treatment even if the person court ordered doesn’t think they need it. Roc quips, “The judge sentenced James to a better life.”

Doc explains by communicating on all the positive possibilities that can come from James P (and others like him) truly embracing the court order.

Recovery involves a lot of personal growth and emotional healing. So think about it: “You’re being court ordered to treatment that can lead to personal growth, emotional healing, spiritual growth…” — an all-around better life.

We think that James is actually in a pretty good situation.

Doc explains, “It’s much easier to move toward something than away from something.” If you’re wanting a better life overall, move toward it. The principles of recovery learned in treatment are principles that can improve anyone’s life regardless of whether they think they’re an addict or not. What if this court order is the best thing that ever happened to you? You may not ever know unless you embrace the process.






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