
Our Approach to Addiction Treatment

Kolmac has a patient-centered, individualized approach to addiction treatment

Kolmac stands as a global leader in our approach to addiction treatment. Our founder, George Kolodner MD, created the first intensive outpatient (IOP) program over 30 years ago and has trained healthcare professionals around the world in best practices in addiction treatment.

We have earned a reputation of expertise in addiction treatment, due to our unparalleled experience, reliance upon measurement-based practices and mission to share our findings with fellow members of the recovery community. But what we are most proud of are the testimonials from our former patients, who maintain that the Kolmac approach to addiction treatment fundamentally changed their lives.

What makes the IOP approach to addiction treatment at Kolmac unique?

We follow measurement-based tenets of lasting addiction treatment. All of Kolmac’s tightly held beliefs are based on decades of experience and data, as well as patient testimonials and reduced rates of relapse. Before beginning IOP through Kolmac, it is important to know the following about our approach to addiction treatment.

First, we view addiction as a chronic disease, and we treat it as such. Just as with other diseases, there are both acute (rapidly onset, visible symptoms) and chronic (lasting biological conditions that require medical intervention) aspects of addiction.

Many addiction treatment programs do not offer extensive follow up for their patients once the initial acute episodes are under control. This would be like dismissing a patient with diabetes after administering a single insulin dose. Men and women with chronic diseases must be treated regularly throughout their lives.

The odds of relapsing without structured continuing care overseen by a medical professional are too high. To avoid this outcome, Kolmac treats both the acute and chronic natures of addiction through our detoxification, rehabilitation and continuing care phases of treatment.

Second, evidence shows abstinence is best for continued sobriety. Many new patients ask us if they can learn to use addictive substances in moderation. So far, research and practice strongly assert that this approach to addiction treatment does not work. Just as with celiac disease, it is necessary to block substances that feed the disorder in order to maintain your health. We work diligently with our patients during IOP to help them lead satisfying lives without the use of addictive substances.

Third, we follow a complex and patented system of relapse prevention. From the moment we start working with a patient in IOP, relapse prevention is the central focus of treatment. Kolmac has applied years of knowledge to create a unique methodology as we guide patients to recovery.

The standard mental health practice is to understand why the patient is using addictive substances. We can treat and help prevent relapse once we know why he or she is engaging in substances in a harmful way.

Studies show that relapse happens after a predictable flow of events. During IOP, Kolmac uses a diagram to help our patients understand the nature of the disease and learn how to intervene early in the relapse cycle–before ever approaching the urge to use.

Other important components of our approach

We believe that spirituality is important for many but not all patients. Spirituality is a big component of many 12 Step programs. However, making spirituality necessary for treatment can be a hindrance to many people. Kolmac doesn’t press spirituality upon patients during treatment.

When it comes to addictive substances, Kolmac makes an exception for tobacco. It is the one addictive substance we allow patients to use during IOP. This belief can be controversial, but our practice is based on the evidence demonstrating that recovery from other substances will not be jeopardized by nicotine use.

However, we do believe that stopping tobacco at the same time as the rest of the addictive substances is the best approach. Fortunately, there are many medications that exist to make withdrawal from tobacco much more comfortable.

We invite you to make an appointment online or by calling (888) 331-5251 to see for yourself if our approach is the right one for you.

Get Help Today!

We welcome the opportunity to help you in your road to recovery. If you’d like to learn more about Kolmac Integrated Behavioral Health Centers, contact us at:

  (888) 331-5251

Relapse Sequence

Relapse triggers